It may not be business as usual under the circumstances, but Town Hall staff are working, even if they’re not on-site, the town’s human resources director says. File photo

Still hard at work

The town of may be working with a skeleton staff on site, but that doesn’t mean town business is slowing down. According to Phyllis Moss, the town’s human resources director, all of the departments are still fully staffed, but most town employees are doing their jobs at home to comply with coronavirus restrictions that have been ordered by Gov. Janet Mills.

Town Manager Barry Tibbetts continues to meet weekly with department heads and he talks, emails or Zooms with most other employees daily. He is still reviewing bids for future work and planning next year’s budget, and he continues to network with other town managers to monitor the state’s current environment.

Parks & Recreation is working behind the scenes to provide future programs while also conducting teleconference interviews for summer staff, providing wellness checks and delivering food to the town’s seniors. The department also continues to patrol local parks and trails and is in the process of sending out resource guides to seniors with helpful information about Food Pantry deliveries, the department’s prescription medication pickup service, senior shopping hours at local stores, online takeout and delivery services and tips for staying positive. The department can be reached at 892-1905.

In the Code Enforcement Department, staff continues to review plans and issues permits and do field inspections for new construction. They are reviewing photos and videos for remodels and alterations. There is a drop box for permit applications and payments at Town Hall. The department can be reached at 894-5960 ext. 1.

The Planning Department has been meeting via Zoom with the Long Range Planning Committee, the Development Review Team and the Planning Board. They can be reached at 894-5960 ext. 2. If you need assistance.

The Assessing Department staff are keeping busy with the upcoming tax season and are completing home inspections for assessment purposes. They can be reached at 894-5960 ext. 3.


The Windham Economic Development Corporation is actively pursuing information on the stimulus options available to all businesses. They are available to assist businesses and are sharing information via the web, email and by phone. The group is also continuing to research high-speed broadband for Windham, which is increasingly important while people are working from home, and looking into a revolving loan program for local businesses. If you have questions, call 892-1936.

The Town Clerk’s office and Tax Collection Department are continuing with their daily duties. If you have questions regarding paying your taxes, licensing your dog, registering your vehicle, obtaining a driver’s license or passport, call the clerk’s office at 892-1900 or Tax Collection at 892-2511.

The Windham Public Library has been busy developing programs for all ages that can be seen on Facebook. These include “Books and Babies” and “Storytime for Grownups.” They are also offering e-books and audiobooks through the cloudLibrary, and digital magazines and comics through the RB Digital app. For further information, call 892-1908.

Other town numbers you might find helpful are: General Assistance, 892-1906; Food Pantry, 892-1931; fire/rescue, 892-1913; police (for crash reports, public records and concealed weapons permits), 892-1919; and Public Works, 892-1909.

Haley Pal can be contacted at

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