If Tucker Carlson, the Rush Limbaugh of Fox News, is so despairing about the COVID management in Maine by Gov. Mills, why does he set up his summer studio in Maine? Shouldn’t he be so worried about the job that Gov. Mills has done in managing COVID’s impact on Maine that he wants nothing to do with our beautiful state?

He relishes his privacy and apparent obscurity while in Maine but is very publicly, on his Fox News hour, willing to bash the governor, who took bold steps to protect us. He wants to be seen as a proponent of President Trump’s values and to be very loudly heard against the prudent and sensible actions by a Democratic governor. Is this a bullying tactic on his part?

Could we ask Gov. Mills to check his COVID test results and to see if he and his crew safely quarantined in place? Maybe it would be better for all of us if Carlson chose not to summer in Maine but to stay in Washington, D.C., where he and his crew, who might be carriers of the virus, could swelter in the heat and humidity.

Carlson can just as easily spread his “ill will” there as he chooses to do here. Being toxic in D.C. may be his preference, but he does not need to bring that toxicity to Maine.

David Hyde

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