We are writing this afternoon (Thursday, Aug. 20) with additional details on what distance learning will look like in the South Portland Schools for the 2020-21 school year. Our South Portland School District returning-to-school framework provides an overview of some of the plans, structures and expectations for returning to school in the yellow hybrid model.

We have developed this short, easy to follow outline to provide a clearer picture of what distance days will look like if students are partly or fully engaged in distance learning through South Portland Schools. Specifically we answer two questions:

  • What will distance learning look like for students who are learning in-person for two days and engaged in distance learning for three days?
  • What will distance learning look like for students who are engaged in distance learning for all five school days each week (students in the full-distance cohort)?

We hope that this information will help you to make a choice that will work best for your family as we start the year. In order to maintain appropriate class size for in person learning and follow the Maine Department of Education requirements for social distancing in schools, it has become clear that we will have limited flexibility to move students quickly from distance to in person learning.

Families choosing the full-distance option will need to commit to this option for the first trimester (through Dec. 4) for elementary and middle school, and for the first quarter (through Nov. 6) for high school students. Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In order to finalize your choice for your student we are asking that you look at the Family Survey – one last time. This is the same survey that has been shared a few times over the last few weeks.

Who should fill out this survey today?

  • People who have not already completed the survey
  • People whose plans for their child, or children, have changed since their earlier survey.

Whether completing the survey for the first time or making a change from the earlier survey, we are asking that you complete the survey by Monday, Aug. 24. This will allow us to finalize class groupings and to be prepared to begin our school year on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Stay tuned for more information and details and the days ahead.

Ken Kunin is superintendent of schools for South Portland. He can be reached at kuninke@spsd.org.

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