Brunswick land should be protected

Protecting the portion of the Brunswick Landing currently being considered for commercial development is certainly an opportunity worth fighting for. This parcel offers the chance to not only complete the Brunswick Landing Perimeter Trail, but also to create interconnectivity between trails in The Brunswick Town Commons and the Kate Furbish Preserve. During the pandemic, we have seen a substantial increase in the use of open spaces and preserves as people look for ways to get some fresh air and keep sane. This situation has highlighted just how valuable recreational trails are to communities. This parcel will be an asset to the town of Brunswick and its citizens and visitors.

Even before the pandemic, we saw tremendous community enthusiasm and engagement when new trails were built. To quote the film “Field of Dreams,” “if you build it, they will come.” And when people come to use the trails you create, they spend money at local businesses, many of which are currently struggling to keep the lights on.

Most of the infrastructure to complete the interconnectivity of these trails is already in place. As a tax paying citizen of Brunswick, I am counting on the Town Council and The Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee to make the right decision and protect this land for the purposes of conservation and recreation.

Kris Haralson,

Vote Tepler

As I was driving along Topsham’s Foreside Road recently, on my way from the Solid Waste Facility, I passed Denise Tepler who was outside talking with her neighbors. Standing at a safe distance, they appeared fully engaged in conversation,  I was not surprised, because Denise truly cares about having meaningful conversations with her neighbors and constituents. Topsham voters have acknowledged this by continuing to put our confidence in her leadership. State Rep. Denise Tepler is serving her third term for HD54, and will be on our ballots this fall for re-election to her fourth and final term.

Denise Tepler is a public servant in the truest sense. Her commitment to serving her community is central to her nature, her values, and her day-to-day life. She is committed to being a resource for her constituents, at all times, and especially during this pandemic crisis. When the virus arrived, the economy shut down. Denise was in touch with local business leaders and many other constituents, asking what would help. She was concerned with the health threats and the economic threats, and Denise took leadership on both fronts. As the House Chair of the Legislature’s Health Care Insurance and Financial Services Committee, Representative Tepler has ensured that COVID-19 testing and treatment are affordable and available to all Mainers who need it.

Topsham voters trust Denise to represent us. Having known Denise for 36 years, I can tell you her commitment and caring are real. She works hard, and she does what she says she will do. Re-elect Denise Tepler to the Maine House of Representatives one more time!

Laura Whatley,

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