Vote McCreight 

As a voter in Maine House District 51, I would like to publicly support the re-election of Joyce “Jay” McCreight to the Maine House of Representatives.

We moved to the area four years ago and one of the first things I did was to contact my elected officials so that I could get to know them. Jay’s commitment to the community and her work as a representative impressed me immensely.

As a social worker, Jay’s understanding of the needs of Maine citizens is thorough. She sees the areas in which we need assistance and supports then through her work in the House. She has successfully sponsored legislation to increase access to health care and reduce stigma, supported our marine economies and people who make them work, increased broadband access, required accountability from our private electric utilities, eased student debt, improved school bus safety, and protected the privacy of municipal employees. She also co-chaired the bipartisan Opioid Task Force whose work is especially important during our COVID-19 crisis.

District 51 is lucky to have a Representative which is as dedicated as Jay and her commitment to the community is just as strong as her commitment to the Legislature. I am honored to call her a friend.

Sandra Basgall,
West Bath

Vote Gideon

Once upon a time Mainers could count on Susan Collins to stand up to extremist elements in Congress. That is no longer true.

  • At one time she supported a woman’s right to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions, yet she voted to place Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, and he’s already signaled his support for limiting reproductive freedom.
  • In the past she’s spoken in favor of a senate that functions as intended, yet she remains silent as senate majority leader McConnell refuses to bring critical bills forward for votes.
  • She claims to understand the threats to Maine’s economy from climate change, yet she remained silent as the Trump administration pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Accord. She once protected our woods and waters but stands by as sensible environmental regulations are dismantled.

In the past Susan Collins seemed to act with integrity and respect the rule of law. Now she supports an extremist agenda.

Sara Gideon has proven her leadership as Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives. We can count on her to stand up for sensible values for all of us in Maine. Sara Gideon will do exactly what Susan Collins has not.

Lucy Hull,

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