Poppy Arford is the Democratic candidate for the state legislature, District 49. As a Democrat, her positions on issues and guidance for legislation is clearly and succinctly outlined in the values of the Maine Democratic Party – mainedems.org – and on her website, poppy4staterep.com.

Sadly, the current political climate is such that any thought of bipartisan activity is naive; a Republican who even considers such option is publicly damned as a RINO and brought back in line. A Democratic majority in the legislature is the only means to overcome obstruction and denial of critical solutions to the many issues we face in Maine.

If you want legislation for all Mainers – good health for all, good education for all, good jobs for all – you must support a Democratic majority in Augusta and in Washington.

To that end, I urge your vote for Poppy Arford.

John Cotton

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