Golfers prepare for the Rotary Club’s 11th Annual Golf Tournament at Bridgton Highlands Country Club last Saturday. Photo by Perri Black

Rotary news

The Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary thanks everyone who helped make this year’s delayed and downsized event a success: sponsor Norway Savings Bank; donors Key Bank-Bridgton, Jones & Matthews P.A., Sunrise Property Management, Hancock Lumber, Maine Eco Homes, Chalmers Insurance Group and Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival; eight teams of 32 golfers; and 12 volunteers. Special thanks to Bridgton Highlands Country Club for the venue and a delicious lunch.

“We expected to raise about 25% of our usual amount and were surprised and pleased to raise more, although all the numbers are not in yet,” project leader Lisa Ryan said.

The Chalmers Group team took first place, followed by the Doten Construction team in second and Key Bank Team in third. Around $200 was raised in the 50/50 raffle to benefit high school Rotarians in the Interact Club at Lake Region High School.

Upcoming rotary events:

• Free Community Kettle dinner at Bridgton Community Center, 5 p.m. Oct. 22, featuring food prepared by owner of M.A.N.E. Catering chef Nick Orgo.
• PolioPlus event at Bridgton Hospital on Oct. 24, including planting 2,500 purple crocus bulbs to represent the club’s role in eradicating polio around the world. To learn more about the Rotary Club and how to purchase bulbs to support this project, call 583-4172 or email

Free bean supper

The Bridgton Lions Club will sponsor a free drive-thru baked bean and ham supper from 4:30-6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, in the Bridgton Community Center parking lot on Depot Street (behind Renys). Everyone is welcome to stop by and pick up a delicious pre-packed meal of baked beans, ham, coleslaw, cornbread and apple crisp to enjoy at home. There is no charge for the food but donations are gratefully accepted to support Bridgton Lions Club projects.


Library reopens

No reservations are needed to go to the Bridgton Public Library. The library is now open for walk-in service from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. No-contact pickup is still available for an hour at the end of each day the library is open. For more information call 647-2472, email or go to

Boxes of joy

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bridgton encourages parishioners and community members to support its Box of Joy program, which provides shoe boxes of Christmas gifts to needy mission children in South America. Those who wish to participate should fill shoe boxes (available at the church, 225 South High St.) with small items such as toys, school supplies and toiletries, label filled boxes for a boy or girl and approximate age, and drop them off at the church by Nov. 1. Include a check for $9 made out to Cross Catholic Outreach to help cover shipping. A list of recommended gifts can be found at For more information, contact Tricia at

Raffle for scholarship fund

The Bridgton Art Guild is holding a raffle at Gallery 302 in Bridgton to raise fund for their annual scholarship, which is awarded to a graduating high school senior who plans to study the arts in college. The raffle is on now and ends Monday, Oct. 12. The prize is a necklace donated by Karen Lipiatos and made of shell pearl and Amazonite beads on silk thread with a hand-wrought sterling silver findings clasp. Tickets are $5 each or three for $10. Gallery 302 is located at 112 Main St. Call 647-2787 for more information.

Perri Black may be contacted at

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