Disturbed by porcupine killings

Of the creatures that we live among in our Maine communities, porcupines are about the most docile. Have you ever seen them move? They merely waddle along, nearly as slow as a tortoise, even when threatened.

Of the role models we live among in our Maine communities, police officers are generally looked up to with respect. We put our trust in them to help us when in trouble, as well as teach our children right from wrong.

Addison Cox, 27, of Warren, and Michael Rolerson, 30, of Searsmont as Rockland police officers, recently allegedly bludgeoned innocent sentient porcupines to death with their police batons while on duty, no less. Was this cruelty necessary? What was the point? How do we explain this horrific thing to our kids?

I applaud Rockland Police Chief Chris Young for firing these two individuals. That was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the lesson taught came at the expense of senseless killings.

Carrie Callahan,


Vote Gideon

A vote for Susan Collins is a vote for Mitch McConnell, a senator who cares little for the American people and who as majority leader dictates what does or does not come before the US Senate for a vote. According to Bloomberg News, “If Biden is elected but the Republicans hold the Senate, they will refuse any aid to address the coronavirus crisis, thus hoping to cripple a Democratic presidency from Day One”. This is exactly what happened during the Obama years. In her book, “Finding My Voice,” Valerie Jarrett, senior Obama advisor, described why President Obama utilized executive orders as a “default” way to govern because McConnell continually refused to take up legislation that he proposed even when some of that same legislation had initially been proposed by Republican Senators. As McConnell had said, his objective was to deny all Obama initiatives and to make sure Obama was a one term president.

We see the disregard for the American people’s needs as McConnell’s Senate has preferentially taken time to confirm Justice Barrett in the middle of an election while refusing to take up a stimulus package in the midst of a pandemic that would help so many Americans whose businesses are surviving on a shoestring, who are food insecure, and who are frightened that soon they will not have a roof over their heads.

Please consider what a Mitch McConnell‘s Senate will mean for the American people and join me in casting a vote for Sarah Gideon

Norma Dreyfus,

Trump support and COVID goes hand-in-glove


Take a look at the states that voted for Trump in 2016 or are leaning his way in 2020. Then compare that map to one that shows where the COVID is worst, and you will notice a stark coincidence: The red areas on both maps match nearly perfectly.

Those red areas are where people are refusing to wear masks, egged on by Donald Trump. They say it’s their right to refuse to wear masks. Evidently, it’s also their right to contaminate anyone they come into contact with. And now Donald Trump is wading into Wisconsin to have a hot, sweaty, crowded rally where participants yell and spew droplets all over nearby people. It so happens that Wisconsin is one of those areas that is spiking with COVID.

How utterly thoughtless and selfish of Trump. But, then, that’s who this guy is.

Kevin Twine,

Vote Horch

We encourage our Brunswick neighbors in District 49 to vote for Fred Horch for representative to the Maine Legislature. We have known and admired Fred for years. As our independent voice in government, we are confident that he will represent our town honestly and well.

We are bombarded this season with negative advertising from lavishly funded, big party candidates. It is refreshing to have a candidate that is not beholden to big money or to party agendas. Fred is a trusted small business owner, father, and community volunteer. He shares our concern for affordable healthcare, equitable access to education, sustainable energy policy, and secure housing. His approach to difficult issues is open-minded, researched, and well-reasoned.

We look forward to Fred’s work in Augusta because he will work to protect our environment, health and economy and invest in our community. He is an exemplary representative of the values of our community!

Madeleine Msall and Frank Mauceri,

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