Charles Todorich (Maine Voices, Oct. 18) parroted Donald Trump’s lies, divisive language and patriotic propaganda very well. That he even hinted that Democrats of today are the “willing heirs of the ignominy (of slavery)” was ridiculous. His “clear thinking” shows a willingness to promote division and accept inflammatory rhetoric.

Mr. Todorich represents what is wrong with Trump’s followers. They swallow whole whatever he throws at them, no matter how outrageous. They dismiss his lying, bullying, impulsive policy by tweet as “foibles.” They are not Republicans. They are Trump “fans.”

I disagree with 98 percent of Trump’s policies but 100 percent of how he has divided and bullied those who are critical of him. Is that “self-indulgent moral preening”? I believe it is my freedom of speech.

I live in a democracy where a grand diversity of people live together respectfully. Except in Trump’s America, according to one of his fans, I am a barbarian.

Jo Trafford

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