University of Buffalo communications professor Melanie Green, in her column on “why friendships are falling apart over politics” (Oct. 25), writes: “It seems as though political issues are becoming more intertwined with individuals’ identities and sense of morality.” Later in the column, she opines: “When one person believes the policies and politicians supported by another person are inherently evil or immoral, it’s difficult to maintain a friendship.”

Isn’t that second statement self-evident? How can one accept what she or he considers immoral views and still maintain a friendship?

That is what shocked and puzzled me about the friendship between Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia. He opposed gay marriage and women’s rights, those that Ginsburg strongly favored.

The same holds true for friendships between Trump supporters and those who oppose and are sickened by his views. Morality is a very relative issue when folks can maintain friendships with those whose views they consider repugnant.

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