Review and support Climate Action Plan

To the editor,

I wonder how effective building a new wall will be against protecting us from the rising tides of climate change. Is it a Band-Aid that will need to be re-adhered after a few years of heavy storms and higher water levels? Even if the wall is effective in keeping sea water off the road, sea level rise will likely drown our beaches. I am not here to say, “Let’s not build the wall,” but rather to ask that we take up the serious task of fighting climate change head on.

If we do not act now, we stand to lose a lot more than our the sands on our beaches and the wall beside them.

Fortunately, hope is on the horizon. On Tuesday, Dec. 1, Maine released an ambitious Climate Action Plan which will help us avoid the worst effects of climate change and make our communities more resilient to the changes that are locked into place. This plan will also help us recover from the economic fallout of the pandemic by creating local jobs in clean-energy, home weatherization and construction, bolstered natural resource industries, and more.

I urge you to review the plan, and to contact our representatives and ask them to support the Climate Action Plan this coming session.


Max Robinson


Flag placement has been corrected

To the editor,

Robert Powers’ letter of Nov. 27 issue of the Kennebunk Post pointed out a mistake in my church’s flying the American flag (on the left instead of the right). We
have corrected that. I assure the positioning of the flag meant no disrespect.

I, too, am a veteran and a former Marine and a Unitarian Universalist Church member. I would not endorse any disrespect of our flag. I am sure the mistake was innocent. But I might also point out I do endorse the display of the Black Lives Matter flag next to the American flag. They both stand for justice for all.


Bob Lown


Sand buckets for seniors needed

To the editor,

In yet another sign of the town of Kennebunk’s supreme indifference to the needs of senior citizens, it has not instituted a program of the delivery of buckets of sand to those in need during the winter. This program of delivering buckets of sand to seniors, for free, is being used in many towns along the coast. Now, in Biddeford, a program like this is being started (see story in the Biddeford Courier, Dec. 3). The sand is used for walkways and stairs when conditions are dangerous.

Just as the town made excuses to shut down the enormously successful Medical Equipment Closet, which delivered medical equipment for free to those who needed it, they are still not doing what is needed to help the older population.


Perhaps it is time to install a more caring board of selectmen and town manager.

Bevan Davies

Letter’s assertation reprehensible

To the editor,

Having voted for Biden/Harris, the title of Mr. Bill Case’s letter (Dec. 4), “New administration ready to tackle issues,” attracted my interest. Even after I realized Mr. Case was satirizing President-elect Biden and vice president-elect Harris, I read on recognizing the various social media conspiracies he was promoting. It was easy for me to dismiss most of these conspiracies. In short, there was “no there there.”

What I found reprehensible, however, was his assertation that Black Lives Matter was an anarchist organization responsible for the burning and looting of our cities. I found it especially reprehensible that he was promoting this conspiracy theory in a town in which our school system has experienced serious racial incidents in the recent past. The effects of these incidents remain, but fortunately, many of us in the Kennebunks are working to make our communities truly welcoming.


We should acknowledge and celebrate the efforts, for example, of the RSU 21 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee and the work of Kennebunk High School’s student Human Rights Team which is studying systemic racism and conducting fact-based public discussions to promote greater understanding of racism.

Education leads to understanding. Join the journey.

Bob Wuerthner


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