A boy, Riley Russell Piercy born to Avanelle Eva (Riley) and Jay Russell Piercy on January 6, 2021, of Freeport, Maine. Maternal Grandparents, Dorcas Riley of Mount Vernon, ME and Douglas Riley of Readfield, ME. Paternal Grandparents, Russell & Diane Piercy of Cathedral City, CA. Susan Piercy Kelsey of Nokomis, FL. Siblings Ava and Amelia Piercy.

A boy, King Jamille Batchiwan Rodriques born to John Jasan Jesus and Lady Camille (Batchiwan) Rodriques on January 5, 2021, of the Philippines.

A girl, Mary Jane Lee McGowan born to Kegan James and Jane Lee (Haser) McGowan on January 11, 2021, of Woolwich, Maine. Maternal Grandparents, Jessie Graham of Chebeague Island, Maine and Doug Haser of Amelia Island, Florida. Paternal Grandparents, Amber McGowan of Woolwich, Maine and Kevin McGowan of Stoneham, Massachusetts. Great Grandparents, Mike and Pat McGowan of Erie Pennsylvania. Siblings, James, William and Henry.

A girl, Eloise Mae Albert born to Drew Robert and Ashley Elizabeth (Smith) Albert on January 9, 2021, of Gardiner, Maine. Maternal Grandparents, Gary and Jane Smith of York, Maine. Paternal Grandparents, Bob and Linda Albert of Millinocket, Maine. Great Grandparents, Joh and Brenda Hews of Millinocket, Maine.

A boy, Isaac Sawyer Abbott born to Alexander Lucius and Abigail (Isaacson) Abbott on January 12, 2021, of Brunswick, Maine. Maternal Grandparents George and Margaret Isaacson of Brunswick, Maine. Paternal Grandparents Mark and Diana Abbott of Dundas, Minnesota. Siblings, Allegra and Eve.

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