Well, I must say it’s nice to see that syndicated Washington Post columnist Marc A. Thiessen (Jan. 29, Page A11: “The GOP leader to be removed after the insurrection is – Liz Cheney?”) has finally acknowledged what the Republican Party has become, that is, pro-insurrectionists, pro-QAnon and pro-seditionists.

Mr. Thiessen writes: “The willingness of so many Republicans, in Congress and across the country, to move past the events of Jan. 6 as if nothing happened is deeply troubling.”

Yes, it is. It tells us that the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan, is in its death throes as it gives itself over to conspiracy nuts, white supremacists and authoritarianism. Rep. Liz Cheney was fighting against that descent into madness. And most of her colleagues want to punish her for it.

Mr. Thiessen concludes: “Cheney showed (her) character. If the Republican reaction to the riot is to excommunicate her, then the party’s future is bleak.”

For once, I agree with Mr. Thiessen.

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