In 1966, Sen. J. William Fulbright wrote a book titled “The Arrogance of Power.” He could have been talking about MaineHealth. As Maine’s largest health care provider they appear to think they are free to do whatever they want. Apparently when they started administering COVID vaccines to employees who had no patient contact, they were not violating the state Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s written rules then in effect. But although these rules changed on Jan. 13, MaineHealth in response decided that the new rules did not apply to them.

Another Maine health care network that had been administering vaccine outside the state’s guidelines after being confronted with that fact apologized and said they would cease immediately.

Bill Caron, MaineHealth CEO, was unrepentant and said he would do the same thing again. They did concede that perhaps they should not have administered vaccine to consultants for an out-of-state union-busting company.

Sadly, the worst part of this is that I have little confidence in the fairness of MaineHealth’s vaccination effort. I registered as soon as I could and although I received a recorded message that I should not worry as I am on their list, I am still waiting for a call to schedule my appointment. And I know or have heard about Maine residents from Kittery, Hollis, Saco and Boothbay Harbor who have come to Sanford, where I live, for their shot.

I think Fulbright had it right.

Lawrence Furbish

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