Thank you to House Assistant Majority Leader Rachel Talbot Ross, D-Portland, for introducing L.D. 2, An Act to Require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the Legislative Process, and kudos to the Editorial Board for endorsing the proposal.

These racial impact statements could be particularly instructive for Sen. Susan Collins. When asked about systemic racism during last October’s Senate debate, she flatly replied: “I do not believe systemic racism is a problem in the state of Maine.”

Perhaps this denial of systemic racism was just an election-year calculation, or perhaps Sen. Collins truly hasn’t studied how Maine’s history of racialized society has left enduring disparities that still impact our laws, our institutions, and many of Collins’ living constituents. In any case, I hope these new racial impact statements will help our senator connect the dots.

Let’s pass L.D. 2 – none of our elected leaders can ignore racism any longer.

Charles Skold
Chair, Portland Democratic City Committee

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