I am saddened that our town manager, Pat Finnigan, has made the decision to retire. In the face of extreme adversity, she has accomplished so much for our town.

I agreed with the Select Board when it opined “Pat is a valuable asset.” But that asset has rightfully decided to no longer work without a contract. The Select Board’s inability to do what was in the best interest of the town, by not offering her a contract, has put us at unthinkable risk. In the middle of a pandemic, with over $15 million in pending capital improvement projects, Ogunquit will be left without a proven leader.

As Ogunquit moves forward in starting the search process for a new town manager, many here are coming to the realization that the inaction of our Select Board will make it next to impossible to recruit someone of Pat Finnigan’s caliber. Any candidate that does their homework will be disturbed by how Ogunquit’s Town Manager was treated, even though she was fiscally responsible, balanced the budget, didn’t increase taxes, turned around a neglected infrastructure and hired professional department heads. We, in Ogunquit, have all experienced a great loss that didn’t need to happen.

I want to express my sincere appreciation to Pat for her dedication and commitment to our community. Please join me in wishing her well in future endeavors.

Jacquelyn Connerty

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