The lead article in the May 2 Maine Sunday Telegram (“Meet Christiane Northrup, the doctor of disinformation,” Page A1), about the disgraceful behavior of Dr. Christiane Northrup, is deeply upsetting.

For many years she and her staff rendered what her patients considered to be expert, thoughtful service for issues of obstetrics and gynecology.

In my case, she warned me to take a more active stance about a small breast lump than previously advised, and have it removed rather than waiting to see if things became worse. I think she may well have saved me from an extended bout with serious breast cancer. For years, I have been deeply grateful for her active intervention.

Now, I read reports that shock and stagger my understanding: She sounds as if she has gone completely nutty and turned away from logic and reason to join a cult based on fear and rumor and hatred rather than fact.

My heart goes out to her, and I send earnest wishes that all turn away from the wrong pronouncements she has made about the coronavirus vaccine.

My husband, 83, and I, age 80, have taken the vaccine and we are fine. Dr. Northrup is tragically wrong in her advice. Get the vaccine as soon as you can.

Walden S. Morton
Cape Elizabeth

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