Re: “Ex-Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, now a Mainer, marched on the Capitol on Jan. 6” (June 14):

So, Dana Rohrabacher, after he lost his bid for re-election in California, moved to Maine and has gotten into the cannabis business. He should have been turned away because of his extremism and history of lies and deception.

That being said, he found it important to be at the Trump insurrection rally in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, though he said he wasn’t part of the attack on the Capitol. He lied, since videos show him “nearly 500 feet beyond the police barriers and inside the restricted zone.” Why was he there?

He also stated that the attackers were “Leftist provocateurs.” How could he tell if he wasn’t at the Capitol on that sad day in the history of our country?

Rohrabacher should be shunned by others involved in the cannabis industry. His character is far too low. He also admires and defends Vladimir Putin.

Saul Heller
Peabody, Mass.

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