I am a 72 year old Portland resident who, like 73 percent of people in Cumberland County, is fully vaccinated. This summer Portland is seeing huge numbers of tourists from all over the country. Of course they are welcome – if they are vaccinated and complying with local public health safety measures.
Just this afternoon a mother and her adult daughter stopped to pat my dog while I waited outside an Old Port restaurant for my takeout order. After a few minutes of pleasant conversation about our dogs, I asked where they were from. Houston, they said. I politely asked if they were vaccinated, knowing of the low rates in Texas. No, they admitted. The daughter said she’s already had covid so she doesn’t need the vaccine. I immediately put on my mask and the Texas tourists continued up the street, possibly shedding the virus along the way. Now I’m worried that I’ll get covid despite all my precautions.
I want to know why people who aren’t vaccinated or masked think it’s acceptable to visit Maine and endanger the local communities that are trying to welcome them. No wonder Maine’s covid cases are rising! It’s not just because some Mainers refuse to get vaccinated. We are also importing covid along with heedlessly dangerous tourists.
Ruth Hennig
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