Maine needs investments that spur growth and job creation. The NECEC corridor is one such investment that will create up to 3,500 good-paying jobs and keep workers here in Maine.

I don’t know about anyone else, but that seems like good things to me – the kind of things that we should be celebrating and supporting to build a better future for Maine. But of course, the fossil fuel-backed opponents of NECEC are doing everything they can to muddy the waters and spread disinformation about the project. They have placed Question 1 on November’s ballot, which if passed would halt construction of the NECEC.

These out-of-state fossil fuel companies don’t care about the advantages that the NECEC will bring to Maine –they only care about how it will affect their profits. Don’t let them dictate Maine politics or our economy.

Be sure to vote “No” on Question 1 this fall.

Kerri Herlihy

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