I was disappointed with Greg Kearney’s view in his CMP cartoon (Nov. 9).

I understand the anti-corporation feel many have with big electric or big oil, but distilling it down to a couple of guys working on a pole, in a bucket loader (trying to get your electricity back)? Not cool.

These people are your neighbors, Maine workers, and probably don’t have that fat stock portfolio with the foreign parent company. I get what Mr. Kearney was trying to say. I just don’t think he thought it through.

A dozen or so years ago, we had a really bad ice storm. Power was out everywhere. It was cold and nasty. A bunch of us went to Dunkin Donuts and got dozens of donuts and coffees, and then went from pole to pole in the neighborhood passing them out to line workers. The smiles were worth it and no one flipped me the bird.

Bill Seidel

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