CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Allen Merrill McRae Jr. of Portland (formerly of Spartanburg, S.C.) died suddenly at the age of 83 on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021 in Charlotte, N.C.

Mr. McRae was born to Allen Merrill McRae and Willie Mae (Farr) McRae in Spartanburg, S.C. on July 11, 1938. An only child, he had an idyllic childhood filled with adventures and friends. It was during this time that he developed his lifelong love of golf and bridge. He played football in high school and at the University of Georgia.

His life was always evolving, living in Spartanburg, S.C and Asheville, N.C., Houston, Boston and Portland.

He was married to Mary McRae, Jane Rollins and Teri (Huttner) McRae. He has two sons, Allen and Brian.

Golf and bridge were his passions when not working as an accountant and business consultant.

He also had a deep love for what he called “good” music, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, and especially Willie Nelson. He shared this love with his children, singing along with his musical heroes no matter how much they asked him to stop. He also passed along his love of a fine single malt scotch, and we hope anyone who is able will have a small dram in his memory.

Allen was a larger than life man, outsized in both stature and personality. Always quick with a joke or a story that seemed fresh even after hearing it for the hundredth time. He drew people in with his infectious warmth and humor, and passed along his unfailing delight with life to all that he met. There was never a person he couldn’t charm with his gentile southern accent, and never a room that he entered that wasn’t made livelier by his presence. His wife, his children and his many friends will miss him and mourn him, just as they will be forever grateful to have had him in their lives.

He is survived by his wife Teri; his sons Allen (Julia) and Brian (Ali); and a galaxy of friends that he touched along his journey.

We hope that you remember the joy he brought you and that while we all mourn with you, he would want you to be out there having fun and living life. It’s what he would have done.

The family will be at 107 Parsons Pond Drive in Portland on Dec. 4 and 5, and welcomes visitors both afternoons.

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