The other day a patron was checking out his books, and he commented, “It’s quiet in here.” Quick on her feet, our library assistant responded, “Well, it is a library.” It was good for a laugh, and if laughter is the best medicine, those belly-guffaws are extra important, especially these days.

While it may be true that the library can seem very quiet, don’t be fooled into thinking that means that it’s boring. Truth is that we always have something fun and interesting happening here at the Libby Library, and one doesn’t have to look too hard to be entertained, enriched, and inspired.

In fact, Astronomy is both entertaining and enriching, and we have it — right here! Don’t miss Planet Parade with Shawn Laatsch, live on Zoom on Feb. 5 at 10 a.m. Call the library at 934-4351 and chat with Kim, our Juvenile Services librarian, for more information and to get the zoom link for the live show.

And speaking of entertaining (… and inspiring!), the library will be hosting a Tiny Art Show in March. It’s open to all ages and abilities, and everyone is encouraged to submit their works of art, created using the kits that will be available here at the library starting on Feb. 1. Pick up a kit (which will include: a 3”x3” canvas; paints; and a brush), paint your masterpiece, and bring it back to the library by Feb. 19. The show will be the month of March, and participants can pick-up their art in April, after the show closes. We can’t wait to see all of the beautiful paintings.

In the “Did you know?” category this month is the fact that there are over 100 two-letter words in the English language, and one of them is a librarian’s favorite word: “sh.” Oh, who are we kidding? Librarians just like words, and we want to see them all on the wall! Our Scrabble game started out with a bang last week with six players, one of whom used all seven of her letters! Talk about inspiration! The game will be available until March 26 with a weekly prize for the player with the most points.

We also have some great, ongoing, activities for our younger patrons. Kim and Valerie host a weekly virtual Story Time each Wednesday, which is posted on Facebook and on our website. A Take & Make craft is available for each weekly story and can be picked up in our lobby. Also, don’t miss the monthly STEAM projects available in our lobby. February is the Edible Cell — delicious and educational! Who doesn’t like that combination?

We are extremely thankful that we’re still able to be open for in-person visits, although we have had to institute a library visit limit time. Patrons are asked to limit their stay to 30 minutes per day.

Don’t forget, in the words of Arthur, our favorite Aardvark — Having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card!

Wendy Brown is the “new kid on the block” at the Old Orchard Beach Library, although she is neither “new” nor a “kid.” Wendy has lived in Old Orchard Beach for more than two decades where she homeschooled her children, operated a home-based business, and homesteaded her quarter-acre on the outskirts of town. After spending nearly 20 years as a patron of the Libby Library, Wendy was thrilled to join the team of talented, intelligent, and successful women who make the library one of the best places in town.

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