I’d like to express my outrage at the approach, tactics and intent of Regional School Unit 21 recall proponents putting their individual desires above community needs and well-being.

Multiple signers have said publicly they were “bamboozled” and “duped” into thinking the petition was a generic statement of teacher support. Those signers and our teachers deserved honesty.

Most people signed the petition knowing exactly what it was designed to achieve: the ill-conceived, capricious removal of an exceptionally dedicated civic volunteer. Congratulations.

Here’s what the recall originators accomplished:

They’ve divided our town, infusing politics into an otherwise apolitical landscape.

They’ve discouraged future high-quality candidates from running.


They’ve incurred unnecessary taxpayer expenses to all three towns (funding the district’s defense, plus Kennebunk and Kennebunkport taxpayers funding both sides).

They’ve hurt the reputation of our town as a civil place, where engaged citizens can conduct conscientious debate with civility, respect and compromise.

They’ve maligned the reputation and caused inordinate stress to a hardworking civic volunteer. Whatever Tim Stentiford’s positions on policy (a reasonable debate to have), he has contributed valuable expertise, thoughtful contributions and unfailing integrity to his role while volunteering an exceptional number of weekly hours (more than any other board member, according to his peers in their united words on his behalf at the Dec. 6 board meeting).

Perhaps the most impressive accomplishment: They’ve secured a referendum on Tim’s service three months before his term ends anyway.

To all individuals who have pushed so hard for this recall: Congratulations. Your contributions are duly noted.

Brenda Robinson

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