Everywhere we look, it seems, someone is snapping a picture with their phone. As a result, many of us have 1000-plus images stored on our phones, tablets and computers. Thus, a common question is, “Where should I store these images, so they are safe?” Another question is, “I’m getting a message that I am almost out of storage space on my phone — what should I do?”
Exploring cloud storage and/or external devices may provide the solution you need. We’re going to give you an overview of these alternatives in the next few paragraphs. Please understand that we can only provide a quick explanation rather than a “how to use” each of these items. You will be able to easily find more information based on your specific needs in an internet search.
But first, two pieces of advice:
• Go through your photos and delete duplicates, out-of-focus images, and pictures you do not care about. Photos and videos take up a lot of storage space on your device.
• When doing further research about a possibility, read the fine print! Double-check compatibility with your device and operating system as well as hidden costs. You’ll also need to think about the resolution of your images, and whether or not it’s important to you that they are backed up in full resolution.
Let’s look at cloud solutions first. Some folks are not clear about the concept “it’s in the cloud.” The cloud is simply a marketing term tech companies use. It means the company (Apple, Microsoft, Google, and so on) provide servers (electronic equipment) that allow clients (you, me, gamers, and companies) to upload files to this equipment. We can also download files from these servers located in huge buildings around the world. Apple has its own servers or cloud as does Microsoft, Google, etc.
Is the cloud safe? It is possible to pay for encryption of your files that adds an extra layer of protection. Most individual users just rely on the security protocols of the site they are using.
When talking about the cloud, the words backup and storage are often used interchangeably which can lead to confusion. For this article, we’re going to define “backup” as a place where your photos are protected should you lose your device. However, if you delete the photos from your device, they are also deleted from the backup cloud.
Storage, on the other hand, we are defining as a place where you can move copies of your photos to be protected. Furthermore, you will be able to delete the originals from your digital device to free up storage space.
Many of the companies that invite you to upload and store your photos on their servers are free — up to a point. When you reach full capacity, they will offer to sell you more space, often for a minimal price.
Apple provides 5 GB (gigabytes) of storage for any type of file on your Apple devices. That is not 5 GB per device, but rather across all Apple devices. For example, I have an iPhone, iPad, and Mac computer which means I ran out of free space a long time ago and am paying for more space.
To check whether or not your photos are being backed on your iPhone/iPad, go to Settings and scroll down to Photos. Make sure “iCloud Photos” is turned on when you tap on Photos in Settings. You can always check to see if your photos are in the Apple “cloud” by going to iCloud. com. You will need your Apple ID and password to access this website, however, you can see all of your files stored there.
The Apple cloud is a backup, not a storage place. If you were to lose your iPhone, your photos can be retrieved. However, if you delete an image from your iPhone, it will also be deleted from Apple’s cloud.
Android devices’ images back up to Google Photos — The Android operating system is a Google product that they allow other companies to use to manufacture phones. That’s why there are Samsung Androids and ASUS and Motorola Androids, plus others. Each of these brands looks a little different from the others.
To back up your photos you need to sync your Android phone with Google Photos in Settings. Since the Settings feature may look a bit different depending on which phone you have, I suggest you do an internet search similar to this one, “How do I backup my photos on my Samsung Galaxy?” Just insert the specific name of your phone where it says Samsung Galaxy.
Let’s move on to Google Photos as an image storage possibility. Google Photos can be accessed through the web on your computer or by downloading the Google Photos app on your phone or tablet. Google Photos doesn’t care which type of device you are using. It will take pictures from Apple devices, Androids, PCs, etc.
Google Photos has a lot of options. Google offers 15 GB of free space, however, that includes Gmail and Google Drive as well. Editing, creating folders, and sharing are all options in Google Photos which makes it a versatile choice.
Photo storage is unlimited as long as you agree to save “high quality” images which means large items are compressed. The non-critical eye probably cannot tell the difference. However, this requirement might be important to the professional photographer. If you save the image in its original size, then it is only free until you hit the 15 GB limit.
What’s important to remember about Google Photos is that you need to delete images from your device through the Google Photos app. Deleting from your device before they are fully uploaded to Google Photos would cause you to lose the image.
Another cloud storage site is Dropbox. It also can be accessed through the web on your computer or with the Dropbox app on your mobile device. 2GB of free storage space is provided in the Dropbox basic level, but, of course, you can pay for more. This site also accepts multiple types of files from Apple, Android, and PC products. One very nice feature of Dropbox is that you can email large files that sometimes your email app will say are too big to send.
Once you see your images on the Dropbox site, you can delete them from your phone. However, to double-check, I always delete one image I don’t care about from the phone, just to make sure I can still find it in Dropbox.
A third cloud storage space is free to Amazon Prime members. Of course, Amazon Prime costs $139 a year (as of February 2022). Here you can upload an unlimited number of full-resolution photos and 5 GB of video as a benefit of your Prime membership. You can create an Echo Show home screen and a Fire TV screensaver with your photos.
You can also create albums and share images using this cloud site. It is safe to delete images from your phone once you see your images uploaded to the Prime Photos site. There is a Prime Photos app you can download to your mobile devices, and you can also access the site on your computer via the web.
The cloud storage sites are convenient and safe. However, the user must pay attention because costs, terms of service, and specific features can change. Remember, all of these companies’ main purpose is to make money so they will adjust their offerings as needed.
External devices, as well as the various cloud sites, also provide a place to store your photos. You might use them to ensure you have copies of your valued photographs as well as provide storage space on your device. Something to consider—think about the pictures we have seen of homes destroyed in natural disasters and fires. There is no guarantee that an external storage device will survive such an event. You might want to consider keeping your backup storage devices elsewhere for double protection.
Many folks already use an external hard drive and/or thumb drives to back up files from their computer. Many of these devices will not work on a mobile device because most mobile devices do not have a USB drive. If you shop around, you may find a thumb drive that fits both a mobile device and a computer.
In the last several years, photo memory sticks have come on the market. I searched for a photo memory stick on Amazon—there were over 1000 possibilities. A bit overwhelming! Refining the search to photo memory stick + iPhone reduced that number to about 600.
Having never used one of these little devices, I was curious about them, so I decided to buy one. This is an instance when you need to do your research and read the fine print.
Prices vary and some of the memory sticks only work with a specific operating system or type of phone.
Here are a couple of suggestions should you decide to invest:
• Decide how much you are willing to spend.
• Do an internet search similar to “five best photo memory sticks for the iPhone (insert your device). Read what people have to say.
• Choose one or two you might like to consider and go to Amazon and look for it. You don’t have to buy it on Amazon, but there will be reviews there also.
• Read the description very carefully, checking to see if it is compatible with your device.
I ended up with a JD Drive stick (128 GB storage for $39.99). It comes with a written manual, and I had to download an app for it. Labeled MFI certified means I can be sure it will work with my Apple products. One of the things I like is that the app automatically organizes the photos I uploaded into categories: photostream, recents and screenshots. It uses the categories in my Photos app on my iPad.
Will I use this device to backup and store all of my photos? I don’t think so. However, I am thinking it’s a great way to save photos from a wedding or other family event, a trip, or a portfolio of special images that I want to ensure I have for all time.
The stick looks like a thumb drive and has two connectors—one that fits my iPad and the other is a USB so it will fit my computer. Again, I want to emphasize the need to carefully read the compatibilities. Although it fits my older iPad, it will not mesh with my newest one because the connectors are different.
There are a variety of options for backing up and storing your photos. However, the solution is not a one-size-fits-all. Each of us needs to think about our specific needs. For example, a professional photographer is going to look for full resolution while that may not be important to the hobbyist. Price is always a factor as is the ease of access. And lastly, remember that you need to make sure whether or not you can delete pictures from your device to free up space and still be sure that they are stored in the cloud.
BoomerTECH Adventures provides expert guidance and resources to help Boomers and older adults develop competence and confidence using their Apple devices. Boomers themselves, BoomerTECH Adventures rely on their skills as educators to create experiences that meet individual needs through videos, Zoom presentations, tech tips, and timely blog posts.
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