When does spring arrive in Maine?

Age Friendly South Portland is accepting nominations for the annual Golden Shovel Award. Courtesy photo
I asked a class of senior nursing students that question and got a wide range of answers, many quite funny. However, I say spring is here, the birds sing, the ducks walk and swim in pairs, the grass is turning green, snow drops are out and other greens are poking a cautious head up. Even worms are moving.
So … we in Age Friendly South Portland, not having consulted any groundhogs, do believe that it is time to vote for the annual Golden Shovel Award.
This year businesses on Ocean Street, from Market Street to Thomas Knight Park, were invited to participate. They were given a poster to put in their windows that asks you give feedback about your opinion of their accessibility this winter:
Is the sidwalk/pathway in front of our business clear and easy to navigate?
Is the entranceway handicap accessible?
Is our team conscientious of shoveling/sanding throughout the day?
Please let us at Age Friendly South Portland know which business you choose to receive the Golden Shovel Award. Your responses are needed by noon on April 12. Please respond via email to kbarth@southportland.org.
We will publish the winner soon after that.
Susan Henderson is a South Portland city councilor. She can be reached at shenderson@southportland.org.
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