There has been much public debate and controversy lately over LGBTQ+ issues in public schools. In hopes of putting concerns to rest, I’d like to share our experience at Brunswick Junior High School.

Since 2016, BJHS has committed to actively supporting our LGBTQ+ students. Pride flags are visible all around the school, and teachers respectfully use the pronouns and names that students identify with. We have a thriving gay-straight-transgender alliance, called the Queer + Allies Club, with 30-plus regular, enthusiastic student members of all genders and identities who enjoy the freedom to be themselves in a fun and social atmosphere.

Pride Week activities bring the school community together and celebrate the freedom of every individual to express their true selves, whether gay, straight, something in between, or none of the above. It is no exaggeration to say that this has changed the culture of our school for the better for gay and straight kids alike. As awareness of Q+A Club and LGBTQ+ students has grown, our students have learned to be more accepting and open to all types of differences, benefiting not just our LGBTQ+ students, but straight students as well.

So, for people who are worried about the effects of LGBTQ+ awareness in public schools, we are proof that the effects are as follows: Straight kids remain straight. Gay kids remain gay. Everyone accepts and supports each other for who they are. That is a fundamentally powerful lesson and has made our school a better place for everyone.

Cory Bucknam
Brunswick Junior High

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