Addressing the climate crisis

To the editor,

For Kennebunk voters worried about the unfolding climate crisis, Article 19 on the referendum warrant is an opportunity to officially register your concern.

Passage of this article would simply require that the select board send letters to our elected state and federal officials – up to the president – notifying them that the people of Kennebunk want effective federal action on climate. Specifically, it would call for legislation that would: 1.) impose an annually increasing fee on carbon that fossil fuel corporations would pay at the point of extraction (e.g., oil well, coal mine, etc.) and, 2.) return all net proceeds to every U.S. household in the form of monthly dividend checks.

Independent studies have projected that a market-based carbon fee and dividend approach would be the fastest and most equitable way to curtail our national carbon emissions while simultaneously stimulating increased investment in the development of alternative sources of energy. The monthly dividend checks would shield the vast majority of citizens (specifically those in low income – to-upper middle income brackets from financial burden as we transition to a green economy.

To learn more about the bill that is already in the House of Representatives, go to the website of the “Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, H.R. 2307” ( To move the process forward, the U.S. Senate needs to develop a companion bill that addresses this matter. Since both Sens. Collins and King are on the senate’s Climate Solutions Caucus, Maine will have significant influence in shaping federal climate policy.


Carbon fee and dividend is not the sole solution to the existential crisis caused by climate change but it is the most essential tool in the tool box.

I urge everyone to vote yes on Article 19.

Gail Lynde


Vote for Kennebunkport’s future

To the editor,


It is our pleasure to endorse Jon Dykstra for the Kennebunkport Select Board. We have worked with Jon on the board of the
Atlantic Hall. We know firsthand his can-do attitude and his positive energy.

Kennebunkport is facing a wave of challenges from factors beyond our borders. We need Jon’s ability for cooperation, problem solving and forward thinking. Unfortunately, Kennebunkport can no longer just ride the wave. We need the careful optimism and productive leadership we will have with Jon Dykstra.

Pease consider voting for Jon Dykstra, for the future of Kennebunkport.

Dick and Pat Smith
Cape Porpoise

Tax rate is wasteful enough

To the editor,


Regarding the vote on June 14: Article 19 Carbon Tax, vote no. The data provided on the ballot/petition cites no good sources. Politicians want another industrial complex using carbon tax.

This will increase taxes on gas and diesel, home heating oil and propane, electric and more. Is our tax rate not high and wasteful enough?

Creditable sources state the impact is destructive to the economy, business owners and middle class and big industry profits. Canada has instituted carbon tax. The analysis shows that middle class incomes are the losers, yielding costs increases in excess of a rebate that has yet to materialize.

The carbon tax regime requires significant administration and compliance costs with collections, audits, checks issued, tax credits for a giant redistribution by our government. Cost to consumers include expenses on abatements. Government always takes an extra cut and rebates are minor or zero. To paraphrase a beleaguered U.S. Supreme Court nominee, that’s something right out the twilight zone.

The Saskatchewan NDP Part & Tax Payer Federation is currently trying to repeal this tax in Canada.

Instead, stop the chemical trails from planes spraying their contents of barium, cadmium, nickel, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, radioactive thorium, this is a quicker resolve to save the environment and federal dollars for the U.S. citizens.


Vote no on Article 19.

Jackie Aiken


Candidate has ‘all the attributes’

To the editor,

We ask that everyone in Kennebunkport vote for Jon Dykstra for the town select board.


He has all the attributes we need and want in our leadership – a genuine, experience based interest in our town, common sense, an education (geologist) that will benefit many concerns, willingness to listen, committed to the time needed and proactive energy to tackle projects. He was part of the effort to return recycling.

We have known Jon, a truly good person, for over 25 years and know he would be a great addition to our select board.

Bill and Ki Leffler


Preparing youth to make decisions

To the editor,


One of the tenets of American public education is to prepare our youth with the knowledge and experience needed to make responsible decisions throughout their lives. I want to thank James McMann (“Activism over education at RSU 21?” – Kennebunk Post, May 20, 2022) for bringing to my attention a recent incident at Kennebunk high school. It’s an example of how the RSU 21 administration showed respect for our high school students and gave them individually the opportunity to make an important decision.

According to Mr. McMann, there was a recent protest on school grounds and the administration’s response was to allow students, if they chose, to leave their classes to attend the protest. This incident occurred during his son’s math class and gave him and, the student body as a whole, the option to stay in class or attend the protest. He was free to make his own decision and, of course, accept any consequences for it. What a learning opportunity; to be given the freedom from possible school restrictions to decide something for yourself. Some of us would consider this quality education; a teachable moment.

Mr. McMann didn’t say what his son’s decision was, but I hope father and son took the opportunity around the dinner table to discuss this incident. Some would say that what students learned about themselves while deliberating whether to stay or go was a valuable complement to an hour of math.

Mr. McMann concludes his letter by urging parents and community members to reach out to the RSU 21 decision-makers. I support that suggestion; not to express dissatisfaction, but to thank them for giving these young adults the opportunity to make decisions for themselves.

Bob Wuerthner

Let’s make good choices


To the editor,

Kennebunk Select Board chair Blake Baldwin never spoke on the record to express disapproval of the malicious recall against two outstanding RSU21 School Board members. He never sought to bring people together, never responded to overtures from the school board chair, rather he ignored them. Blake never said a word to halt the unfounded cruelty of the recall, never said stop. He should have. In the aftermath of the recall vote, which was resoundingly defeated 3-1, Blake still finds it appropriate to continue bashing RSU 21 calling it insular.

Blake’s sole public endorsement to date is from recaller Dick Morin. In fact, the only candidate Dick has endorsed for select board is Baldwin despite the fact that there are two seats open.

At a recent candidates’ forum, Blake summarily dismissed select board candidates Trentalange and Whitehouse as being unqualified to serve. Au contraire.

Ms. Trentalange is a Navy veteran, registered nurse, business owner, strong listener, problem solver, compassionate person, and an 18-year resident of Kennebunk. Throughout the pandemic, she worked at York County Emergency Management Agency’s COVID-19 clinic administering vaccines to Kennebunkers and our neighbors. Additionally, Leslie has served on town committees, and she was part of the RSU21 Superintendent Interview Committee.

Ms. Whitehouse has lived here a mere 45 years. In addition to her career as a microbiologist, Miriam has consistently volunteered in our schools, performed in instructional roles during periods of teacher shortages, and led a number of fundraising efforts to support extracurricular programming for students. She was a member of the recent KHS principal interview committee, and now serves on the RSU21 Human Resources Committee. At the municipal level, she has served on several committees including Economic Development, River Restoration, and the Lower Village Master Plan project. Importantly, Whitehouse knows our community and she is invested in its future. Her vision is for increased transparency at town hall, an end to the sort of bullying that goes on from the chair’s seat, and greater community engagement and dialogue.


Blake is wrong. Facts reveal candidates Trentalange and Whitehouse are strong, talented, civic minded, and very well qualified for Kennebunk Select Board seats. Join me, vote for positive change, vote Trentalange and Whitehouse.

Marie Louise St. Onge


Candidates will ‘work tirelessly’

To the editor,

I have always been impressed by people who manage to juggle career, raising children, and volunteerism. This is exactly the case for two lon- term residents, Leslie Trentalage and Miriam Whitehouse, who are both running for Kennebunk Select Board.


Their volunteer roles were all integral and impactful to the health of our public schools and our town governance.

What is a better testament to their fitness for service on our select board? The qualities that lead them to volunteer on committees and boards are exactly the same qualities we need to foster civility and move our town forward. Whether raising money for our arts program in RSU 21 or volunteering in a COVID clinic, these two candidates will work tirelessly to improve our town. This I know, because that is what they have demonstrated.

Please vote for Miriam Whitehouse and Leslie Trentalage for the select board.

Lynda Wilson-Dinino


Strong school board candidates


To the editor,

At a time when school board elections have become highly charged and unfortunately politicized, RSU 21 is fortunate to have two incredibly strong candidates.

Claudia Sayre has extensive experience as an educator in RSU 21 and other public districts (unlike her opponent who has taught only in private schools). She values teachers’ instructional insights. She understands and respects the complexities, opportunities, and importance of a robust and inclusive curriculum designed to promote critical thinking and communication skills. She’s a former lawyer whose keen legal insights and sharp intellect would be a formidable addition to any board lucky enough to have her.

Claudia was a key organizer in the fight to protect our school board members against the recent unjustified recall election resulting in defeat by a 3:1 margin. She is an active and dedicated community member who will listen to competing perspectives with an open mind and full heart to guide our district in the strongest possible direction.

Gayle Spofford has valuable, substantive experience as a school board member. She would bring strong institutional history (having served on the consolidation team that transformed MSAD 71 into RSU 21) and a proven track record as an effective voice for reason and consensus-building. She has worked as an educator at MLD Elementary School and has lived in Kennebunk for almost four decades.

During her most recent stint on the board she demonstrated notable commitment to our district’s important diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Finally, she has a strong accounting background and would be an excellent replacement for our departing board chair on the finance committee, on which she currently serves as a community representative.


I enthusiastically encourage all Kennebunk voters to support Claudia Sayre and Gayle Spofford for the RSU 21 school board seats. We’re fortunate to have candidates of their caliber.

Gaby Grekin


Right candidates at right time

To the editor,

I encourage Kennebunk voters to elect Miriam Whitehouse and Leslie Trentalage to the select board.


I know Leslie personally and am impressed by her intellect and her engagement with the community. Most recently, I was proud to see her participate as a veteran in our Memorial Day parade and gun salute. This combination of smart insight and dedication to her fellow community members makes Leslie the perfect candidate for our select board right now.

I’ve watched Miriam put these same strengths to work on behalf of Kennebunk in recent months as well. Kennebunk desperately needs smart leadership that cares about the town and its residents. Recent events have highlighted the weaknesses in our town charter and the need for both reform and for capable leaders who listen.

Leslie Trentalage and Miriam Whitehouse are the right candidates at the right time for Kennebunk. Please vote for Leslie and Miriam on June 14, or by voting early before June 9.

Jane Anderson

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