I am saddened to know that half of all abortions in America are sought by women who already have a child and are impoverished. What a struggle this must be for them. I expect that they are juggling expensive child care, one or more low-paying jobs and have no health care or access to reliable birth control. Would another child mean her family would become homeless? What a tragic choice she faces.

Do Americans really care about children? If so, why did we fail to support quality child care with a sliding scale fee dependent on income? Why do we tolerate poverty wages for child care providers? Why can’t we support universal health care?

Those of us with the time to read the paper have a lot of opinions about what impoverished families should do about their pregnancies. But we fail to consider that the expense of having a child in our socially bankrupt society is why many women choose abortion.

Margot Donnis
South Portland

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