Over seven terms representing Bowdoin, Bowdoinham and Richmond in the State House, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to do the job. It takes time, patience, listening, caring, determination, and a firm belief in the value of protecting and participating in our constitutional democracy.

Sally Cluchey, one of the candidates now stepping up to serve her neighbors in this way, has all this and then some. Sally is the real deal, and she will excel for us if we elect her on Nov. 8.

Sally has the greatest and truest gift of leadership: the ability to bring out the best in others. As chair of our local food pantry, serving both Bowdoinham and Bowdoin, she and her team of caring volunteers expanded services and options during the pandemic. In fact, when I first met them, Sally’s involvement with the food pantry had inspired her husband, Jeremy, to jump into the icy Cathance River as part of a fundraiser for the cause.

Sally treats everyone with the same respect and dignity, whether it’s a new acquaintance or her own friends and family. She listens, looks for the heart of the issue, seeks common ground, and works to find common-sense, win-win solutions that make our communities stronger.

I like to think I did a decent job, but I’m confident Sally Cluchey will do better. I look forward to casting my vote for her, and I encourage others to do the same!

Seth Berry,

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