As the nation observed the 235th anniversary of the completion of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, what do we celebrate? Yes, we are challenged by distrust, partisanship, bigotry, racism, insurrection, questions of justice, and so many issues that are fanned to divide us, all emphasized by the efforts of those seeking to benefit. So, what is so great about the Constitution?

Chris Babbidge Courtesy photo

Is it ordered government created to use its power to protect the general welfare of the people? Is it the institution of representative government, or protections of the right to vote? Is it the checks and balances against the concentration of governmental power provided by federalism and separation of powers? Is it individual freedom of speech, press, and religion? Is it protection from abuse of power regarding privacy and due process of law? Is it equal protection of the law for all people, regardless of sex, race, income, or status?

All of these have directed my involvement in public service as I conclude my final year in the legislature. Equal protection before the law will drive my questioning this week as my Judiciary Committee holds hearings on the nominations of the governor for judges of district court and commissioners for both Human Rights and Indigent Legal Services.

During my four decades as a teacher, students were asked to do the Pledge of Allegiance, and to ponder the meaning, and responsibility, of “liberty and justice for all.”

The Constitution is our very American document that provides a pathway to justice. But justice is achieved only through the attentiveness of active citizenship by thoughtful people like you and me.

Christopher W. Babbidge is representative for Maine House District 8, Kennebunk. He can be reached at


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