Maine has two election deniers running for election on Nov. 8: Paul LePage and Bruce Poliquin (according to The Washington Post, with the motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness”).

Efforts to investigate LePage’s and Poliquin’s Big Lie (that duly elected President Biden actually lost in 2020) have been robust, honest, trustworthy. Not a scintilla of evidence has been found to support the Big Lie allegations. These candidates must own the Big Lie as their own Big Lie – forget about the fiercely self absorbed (to the point of delusion) guy who started it.

This letter is for every town clerk, election clerk, volunteer who has stayed up until 2 a.m. counting votes, so the credibility of the voter prevails. Those folks keep the light that prevents democracy from dying in darkness. LePage and Poliquin, who ignore them and the profound credibility of all who investigated The Big Lie, do not.

Susan Cook

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