Question 5. What is autonomy? Setting aside a $10 million mishap connected with a recent audit of Portland Public Schools finding “weaknesses” and “significant deficiencies” within its finances.

Current school board Chair Emily Figdor said the council has no understanding of the school budget. Five of the current councilors were school board members – three were former chairs and one chaired the finance committee.

I would note that having the experience in mediating a finance committee meeting does not make one invested in the fiscal impact to the city. Figdor is the treasurer for councilor Pious Ali’s current reelection bid. School board member Ben Grant was the treasurer for councilor Roberto Rodriguez’s campaign. The impact of these, and other, relationships is concerning and should necessitate oversight and scrutiny on a city level.

Vote “no” on Question 5. Perhaps after November, the Press Herald might address assessment results over the last five years.

Jeff Irish

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