BIDDEFORD — The city of Biddeford is looking for people to become involved in the search for a new police chief.

Specifically, a major piece of the recruitment process, city leaders say, is centered around gathering public input on the professional and personal qualities the community wants to see in its next chief law enforcement officer.

As well, City Manager James Bennett and Mayor Alan Casavant are looking for two Biddeford residents to serve on a nine-member interview panel as part of the hiring process.

This all comes following Police Chief Roger Beaupre’s September announcement that he will retire Jan.. 25, after 51 years with the Biddeford Police Department, with 42 of those years as chief.

Members of the interview panel will review resumes and determine the candidates to be interviewed, said city spokeswoman Danica Lamontagne. She said the panel will be expected to advance at least three candidates to the city manager for final consideration. Those wishing to serve on the interview panel should submit their name and contact information to Executive Assistant Shelly MacNeill at by Oct. 31.

The nine-member interview panel will include the mayor, a city councilor selected by the council president, and the police unions will select a member for the interview panel as will the Police Advisory Board.  The panel will include two residents as well as a representative of the business community, as agreed by the mayor and city manager; a member of the municipal management team and the city’s chief operating officer.


Following the recommendations of the panel, Bennett will conduct final interviews and recommend a candidate to the city council by Jan. 31, according to information at the city’s website.

The public may also speak about the qualities they are looking for in Biddeford’s next police chief during a public input session at the 6 p.m. Nov. 1 city council meeting. Public participation in the meeting may be in person in council chambers at city hall or online, by Zoom. Residents may also speak directly to the city manager to express their thoughts or concerns on a new chief of police during a Zoom meeting scheduled for 12:30-1:30 p.m. Nov. 2.

There is also an option for Biddeford residents to submit comments, thoughts, or concerns about the qualities desired in a new police chief through an online portal, said Lamontagne. The form for online comments, as well as links to access all online feedback meetings, is at The Zoom links for the Nov. 1 and 2 opportunities to speak to the city council or the city manager are listed under the event section.


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