Members of Scarborough’s newly formed Engineering & Technical Services Department are, from left, Carrie Prescott (Engineering Technician), Jami Fitch (Sustainability Coordinator), Angela Blanchette, P.E. (Town Engineer), and Micah Warnock (GIS Administrator). Courtesy photo

SCARBOROUGH — Engineering & Technical Services is new department for the town of Scarborough and was created as one of the town’s responses to growth.

Formerly part of Planning & Code Enforcement, the department is responsible for the coordination and implementation of a wide variety of technical projects and initiatives that span across all town departments. Their focused disciplines are Engineering, Sustainability, and GIS services.

The need for a distinction of responsibilities into its own department has been building over the last several years, according to the town Nov. 1 e-newsletter.

Growth and development in Scarborough over the past decade has increased a demand for coordinated construction oversight,” the newsletter states. “Currently, the department oversees over 50 active construction sites throughout town, conducting inspections in order to ensure compliance with local, State, and Federal permitting and regulations.”

The Town also has to comply with several State and federal permits for environmental protection. The complexity of the requirements for these permits has also grown over the past few years. Moreover, these infrastructure projects, compliance requirements, and need for GIS planning and documentation span across multiple departments.

The new Engineering & Technical Services department will streamline the processes already in place and be better equipped to manage the requirements that stem from increasing development and complex regulatory obligations, according to the newsletter.

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