I am bemused by the recent spate of attacks by some folks and pundits on cats, attempting to punish and “neuter” cats for, well, being cats, while citing their predation of birds. In our neighborhood there are no feral cats, and I believe only a couple of outdoor cats, and we love all our feathered friends who grace and feed, nest and live in our garden safely.

Pesticides, glass windows, jet engines, Cooper’s hawks, kestrels, owls, other raptors, crows, jays, raccoons, squirrels, foxes, coyotes and other wildlife take birds and nestlings routinely. Why don’t we ban or issue trespassing ordinances against all of them as well?

The ancient Egyptians knew a thing or two, including about the value and wisdom of felines. Don’t tread on cats. Let them live peacefully and bring us great joy.

Ravi Koil
South Portland

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