Here’s to Mrs. Robinson

Gorham’s Suzanne Ennis, under the penname S.R. Clark, has written a biography of her mother, Barbara Robinson, who she says is the real Mrs. Robinson of Simon and Garfunkel fame.

The song was written by Paul Simon.

“He and his fellow musician, Art Garfunkel, met my mom on an airplane in early 1964. She offered them a ride into NYC, and they spent the evening together, driving around Greenwich Village in our family’s station wagon,” Ennis told the American Journal Monday. “They weren’t famous yet.”

Ennis said her book is called “Mrs. Robinson – The Inspiring Story of a 20th Century Muse.” It’s available for $19.99 on Amazon.

Vernal pool walk

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust is sponsoring a vernal pool exploration 9-11 a.m. on May 6, at Randall Orchards in Standish and Gorham.

Rich Jordan of environmental consulting group Flycatcher, based in Yarmouth, will present information about the hidden life of temporary woodland water bodies and the amphibians and animals that occupy these unique pools.


This is a family-friendly program, though best suited for ages 5 and up. The walk will cover around 1.5 miles of trail with stops at two or three vernal pools, and opportunities to view the critters that live in them.

The Land Trust partners with Randall Orchards holding a 500-acre farm and forest conservation easement on the land. There is limited space on outings; please register in advance at

Spring cleanup reminder

An annual cleanup sponsored by Gorham Conservation Commission in honor of Earth Day is set for 8-11 a.m. Sunday, April 23.

For more details and to volunteer for the event, contact or visit the Conservation Commission’s Facebook page.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on April 18, 1973, that Florence Stokes of Flaggy Meadow Road returned home after spending the winter in Orlando, Florida.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The Treasury Department reported on April 13 that the U.S. public debt was $31,458,490,890,759.40.

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