Mainer against late-term abortion

I find it hard to believe that we have come to a time in our state when there is a bill in the Legislature to allow abortions at any time during a pregnancy. This to me is insanity. Saying that a baby is not an actual human being until after it is born could be compared to saying a Black man does not have a soul because of his race. This was the thinking of many people 175 years ago. Hopefully, 175 years from now our country will look back to this moment in time and see that we in the state of Maine said no to late-term abortion. I hope that many of you will contact your local representatives and ask them to say no to this bill.

Don Kelly,

Disappointed by lack of
town meeting coverage

This past Wednesday (May 17), I had a prior commitment, so was unable to attend the Woolwich annual town meeting. However, I’ve always been interested in knowing what has happened and what is planned for the coming year in our town. The town meeting acts as its legislative body, deciding on taxes, policies, ordinances and the like.

So, I was hoping to see some coverage of this important event in our local paper, The Times Record. But I looked in vain. There was nothing in Thursday’s edition, nothing in Friday’s edition.

The masthead on the paper advertises “local” journalism. (Although, part of that line is now covered over with the mailing label, as they no longer offer delivery to our paper tube.) What could be more local than an annual town meeting? An informed citizenry is crucial to healthy democracy, and a local paper is a crucial component in delivering that information.

It’s great that The Times Record is still publishing, as I’m fully aware that many communities don’t have any newspaper at all. I fear, however, that I’ve been watching the sad demise of what was once a proud publication that for sure would cover local government and certainly the town meetings in our region. I can only hope that this downward spiral can soon be reversed.


Charles Durfee,

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