The AR-15 assault rifle was designed, engineered and manufactured for one purpose only, and that was not for “sportsmen.”

Generation Lockdown, a Newtown-led coalition of students, mass shooting victims, survivors and gun violence prevention organizations, rallies March 24 in Washington to demand a federal assault weapons ban. Eric Kayne/Associated Press

The Portland Press Herald’s report on our congressional delegation’s opinions on an assault weapons ban – on what is preventing any progress in reducing the carnage associated with these weapons of war – is frustrating and unacceptable (“Most of Maine’s delegation won’t even talk about an assault weapons ban,” May 21).

A mockery to the “profiles in courage” was sending a “spokesperson” out to parrot the same lame excuses and obstacles that have been used by obstructionists to defend their hypocrisy for years. Would you do the same if you had to explain why “it can’t be done” to the innocent victims of this insane carnage? Rep. Chellie Pingree is the lone exception and has been consistent throughout.

Rep. Jared Golden, as a Marine veteran, certainly knows that the AR-15 is designed for one purpose only. It is a “knockdown” weapon that doesn’t require accuracy to destroy its victim. The bullet and velocity cause a devastating wound. Perhaps Golden has not seen this firsthand. I have, as a corpsman serving with a combat Marine company in Vietnam. Ask any trauma surgeon – they see all too many victims.

So, once again, we, as individual voters, have a voice and choice to make ourselves heard. I place commonsense gun legislation as a top priority in choosing who to support in the next election.

Ken MacLean

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