Sen. Angus King hasn’t formally announced yet, but he appears to be gearing up for a third U.S. Senate run.

His campaign website, Independent for U.S. Senate Angus 2024, has been active since May 10, according to King spokesman Matthew Felling. On the website,, the independent asks supporters to chip in with donations ranging from $10 to $200.

U.S. Sen. Angus King Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer

“As an Independent, I prioritize serving your interests and staying clear of party politics,” King said in a statement on his reelection website. “However, without a D or R next to my name, I rely on grassroots donations to continue my work on behalf of all Mainers. Can you contribute to support my efforts in the Senate?”

Though he is an independent, King caucuses with Democrats. King, age 79, was first elected to the Senate in 2012. Prior to his Senate career, he served as governor from 1995 to 2003.

In a statement issued in December, Felling suggested that King would seek reelection in 2024.

“Senator King feels great, has been an active driver in one of the most productive Congressional sessions in years, and he feels there is still plenty of work to be done,” Felling said in a statement to NewsCenter Maine.


King declined to be interviewed about his plans Tuesday night.

King on his campaign website promises to continue fighting for the people of Maine on the issues that matter most, “whether that’s health care, national security, veterans, education, economic certainty, the environment or job creation.”

King is a member of the Armed Services Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resource, and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.

Maine’s other senator, Republican Susan Collins, would be up for reelection in 2026 if she decides to run.

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