It’s not the end of the season. We’re halfway through August, and that’s too early to start running the stop signs in Kennebunkport. Some of the summer folk have gone back where they belong to get the kids in school and stop by the office to see who’s been signing the checks. But most of them are still here and their lives are precious, too.

I saw it twice today. Just up the hill from Dock Square, where you have to decide whether to turn right or left onto Maine Street, once on my way to the bank and again on my way home.

‘Bunkers and ‘Rundlers understand the unspoken system of the ‘Porters because they have similar stop-nonstop systems in Kennebunk and Arundel. Dan King photo

The first perp to run the stop sign was driving a white pickup truck, and the second perp had a dark blue Braxton SUV (not its real brand to protect the innocent), both just slid smoothly past the stop sign and right around the corner without even a pause or a “silent oops.”

‘Bunkers and ‘Rundlers understand this unspoken system of the ‘Porters because they have similar stop-nonstop systems in Kennebunk and Arundel.

I asked George, who lives in the basement apartment next door, what he thought of the situation, and his suggestion was that if they were still considering mounting lighted signs outside the municipal buildings in the Port, they should consider installing lighted stop signs, too, and that might actually save a life or two, considering the current broadly well understood, but never explained in writing, system of vehicular traffic which allows local-residents-in-the-know to understand quite clearly which stop signs are to be obeyed and which ones you don’t have to bother with.

Orrin Frink is a Kennebunkport resident. He can be reached at

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