Intimidation, bullying is infuriating

To the editor,

To the coward(s) who’ve been vandalizing homes displaying Pride flags:

Here is a quick lesson on civic responsibility. You have the right to your own beliefs and opinions. You have the right to share them publicly. You have the right to peaceably assemble and demonstrate in support of your beliefs.

You do not have the right to violate another person’s property because their beliefs are contrary to yours.

The last time this issue reared its cowardly head was two or three years ago. Cowards (like yourself) acted in the same manner by targeting people whose lifestyles, beliefs and opinions, did not align with their own.


At that time, I posted on the South Portland Police Department Facebook page, that the best way to confront these cowards is to have as many Pride flags displayed on as many homes as possible. This action would provide solidarity within the community, proving we will stand together for what is right, and to provide camouflage to those who may need some cover. I received several thumbs up, so I decided to take my own advice and ordered a Pride flag to hang on the same pole as my American flag, because I could see no better place it belongs.

To understand the values the American flag represents, requires the acceptance of the symbolism the Pride flag represents – even if one does not agree with the flag’s symbolism. The protection of the freedom of expression does not require that one agrees with what is being expressed. Ever.

I have had the Pride flag flying alongside my American flag for about three years, without incident. Your actions have renewed my anger. People that do not respect other people’s freedoms and then attempt to use fear and bullying to intimidate others, infuriate me.

Again, to the coward(s) (generally there is one leader and his/her followers): I hope you find the courage to admit you don’t understand freedom and are inspired to learn from this. Growth and maturity take time and effort. I assume (with no actual proof of course – just a hunch) that you are a minor (or slightly older). A person of courage would confront these flaws and try to learn from them. That is me offering you a carrot.

Now here is me providing the stick: you have really kicked a hornet’s nest. More people will be installing cameras and not because you’ve frightened them but because you are a coward and we will catch you and punish you. If you refuse to respect other people’s rights and property, you will face punishment.

So either learn from this (which I am certain even those that you harmed would hope for) or crawl back into the hole you came out of and hide there.


To the rest of South Portland, it is time to fly the Pride flags again, as we did a few years back. Please, let’s stand with our neighbors and show that we will defend their rights and freedoms even, regardless of preference.

To the parents of younger persons, please speak with them. Have conversations about what freedom means. Help them to understand that respecting the rights of persons they may not agree with is not only a sign of maturity, it is a founding principle of what it means to live in America.

Jeff McDonald

South Portland

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