Audience members were invited to join in dancing to the Burnurwurbskek Singers and Drummers at the Wabanaki Marketplace hosted by Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Aug. 26. Patti Mikkelsen / For Lakes Region Weekly

Historical society to host
talk on Opportunity Farm

Diantha Hawkes Grant will present “Remembering Opportunity Farm” at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 at the New Gloucester Meetinghouse.

The Opportunity Farm was an educational center for disadvantaged boys, established in 1910. It continues today with multiple educational facilities open to boys and girls. Grant’s father, Bob Hawkes, was the superintendent at the school from 1954 to 1962.

The event is sponsored by the New Gloucester Historical Society. For more information, email or

Maine Cambodian group
honors Arata with award

Assistant House Republican Leader Amy Arata, R-New Gloucester, received a Friend of the Cambodian Community Award at Khmer Maine’s annual inaugural dinner Aug. 30.

Arata sponsored a joint resolution at the Statehouse honoring the May 20 Cambodian Day of Remembrance.

“Many of my colleagues in the Legislature had no idea that millions of people had been murdered in Cambodia,” she said. “Your presence in the State House was a powerful reminder that this wasn’t just a historical event in a faraway land, but that it happened to real living, breathing human beings like you.”


Ninth annual Pineland
Farms Harvest Festival

Celebrate the harvest season with the Pineland Farms Education Department’s ninth annual Harvest Festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 30.

Located at the Valley Farm and Family Farmyard, activities include apple cider demonstrations, a five-acre corn maze, pumpkin patch and more. Costumes are encouraged and adult supervision is required.

The fee is $8 per person; ages 2 and under are free. Tickets are limited, so register in advance at

For more information, contact the Pineland Farms Education Department at 650-3031 or

Patti Mikkelsen can be contacted at

Annual fall book,
bake sale at NGPL

The Friends of the New Gloucester Public Library’s fall book and bake sale will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Community Building, 381 Intervale Road. Members are invited to a preview sale beginning at 11 a.m.

A nonprofit organization, the Friends help fund library programming, purchase books and other materials, and sponsor the library’s discounted/free museum and park passes. Membership sign-ups will be held at the sale. Learn more at

Pick up pies made
with local apples

The New Gloucester Historical Society will once again offer apple pies made with apples from Thompson’s Orchard. More than 100 pies will be baked and ready for pickup after 3 p.m. Sept. 29 at the New Gloucester First Congregational Church, 19 Gloucester Hill Road.

Pies are $12 each and must be pre-ordered. Pay with cash or check at pickup. To pre-order, call 926-3198 and leave a message or email Provide your name, phone number and the number of pies.

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