I’m writing in support of Rosemarie De Angelis for the District 3 School Board seat in South Portland’s upcoming election. Her commitment to our community is long-standing and impressive on its own, and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with her background.

With much at stake for our South Portland students, including safety, staff and teacher burnout and potential changes in boundary configurations for elementary schools, De Angelis’ honesty, innate sense of fairness and commitment to asking tough questions of our leaders have been apparent in the meetings I’ve witnessed.

Fresh, reasoned perspectives and approaches grounded in experience and commitment to equity are what our city needs as we face new challenges. As a parent of young children not yet in school, who will no doubt be impacted by school board decisions, Rosemarie De Angelis’ approach helps me have faith that those decisions will be arrived at in a thoughtful way.

Joel Hatfield
South Portland

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