What makes America great is: We all have the right to question the party line. Neither Democrats nor Republicans are a monolith acting in unison, believing the same thing. What made America work in the past was that we forged compromise out of the notion that we are stronger together than apart, and that dialogue to attain compromise makes governing possible.
This playbook has now been torn up by MAGA Republicans who have instituted a “my way or the highway” approach to governance. There is more evidence of the chaos from the caucus than needed to conclude Republicans are incapable of governance. As they fritter away precious time bickering among themselves, we all have our list of things that must get done. The real tragedy of their dysfunction is the example they set for the next generation that needs to lead. Twenty and 30-somethings must look at Congress like most look at a Stephen King movie, with absolute terror.
Why would any sane young person want to enter politics when all they see is arrogance and incompetence? And yet, now more than ever we need the fresh thinking of our young people. For those who are under age 30 and are reading this letter, I hope they are not discouraged from voting or being politically active.
Be passionate, yes, but know that there is a counterpart across the aisle that passionately disagrees with you. Please talk to them.
Tracy Floyd
Cape Elizabeth
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