While we were at a medical conference, Dr. Selwyn O. Rogers Jr.’s pager started sounding, drawing the attention of those nearby. It read, “4 people shot, 1 killed.” Dr. Robert A. Barish shook his head and replied, “What about the other three? It’s a shame that they will be forgotten tomorrow.”

This scenario plays out time after time as we witness an increasing number of incidents of gun violence, such as the recent mass shooting in Maine. It is incredibly important to mourn and honor the lives of those who have been taken from us tragically and unexpectedly. It is equally important to recognize and support the recovery of the individuals who survive gun violence and bear both physical and emotional scars, some that never heal.

As physicians with extensive experience in emergency management, response and recovery, we have witnessed the physical and emotional toll of violence that continues to afflict communities and families across the United States. And yet as news vans get packed up to cover the next mass shooting, there remains a compounding body count – and shared trauma that is deeply affecting our communities and society at large. Health professionals across the country are left to pick up the pieces following these incidents, to help individuals heal physically and emotionally.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office reports the shocking statistic that in 2019, nearly 40,000 people died directly from a firearm injury. Perhaps even more shocking is that about double that number of people suffered nonfatal injuries from shootings. Moreover, this data reflects only the quantifiable physical injuries and does not account for the many thousands, dare we say hundreds of thousands, of people who carry the emotional trauma of witnessing violence, know those who have been killed or are supporting the injured, or are otherwise affected by these events.

Other recent reports indicate that about 58% of adults or someone in their care have experienced gun violence in their lifetime. We must recognize there are many unintended consequences of accepting this violence and normalizing it into the fabric of our culture.

In the same way that our health care teams are expected to tend to the wounded and help these patients find a return to some normalcy after their injuries, our communities should come together to address the invisible scars of gun violence in our neighborhoods and across the country. By treating gun violence as the epidemic that it is, we can approach it through a public health lens and consider what resources and policy tools can be used to support all those injured on their road to healing and leading more fulfilling, happy lives.


Just as our public health community has rallied to inform decision-making around seat belts, expand availability of dialysis and address smoking in public spaces, there is an opportunity to invest in the needs of all those attempting to return to their regular lives in the wake of a traumatic event.

Looking forward, there are three elements to consider to begin to address the issues of gun violence in America and efforts to support all victims of gun violence. First, we must elevate the conversation around gun violence to include all survivors, their families and loved ones and the communities affected. Gun violence is a matter of public health, and our health care community can play a critical voice in centering the public’s awareness of this issue while creatively exploring how we might afford the same sort of resources to this issue as we do for other public health emergencies.

Further, there are ways to fund a support system to benefit the recovery efforts for all individuals suffering from the impacts of gun violence. It’s important to recognize that there are some compensation programs already in place. Many of these programs originate from state-run crime victim assistance funds, while others are federal and municipal efforts. In many cases, the individuals who need this support the most have the most trouble accessing these resources right after their injury. Now is the opportunity for us to expand these programs and ensure that this funding can be more easily accessed to meet the immediate needs of these survivors.

And of course, there are many other options at our disposal that require investment and organization, from counseling services and support groups to increased prevention research funding and enhanced ways of reporting firearm-related injury data. These are just some of the ways in which America could begin to address the vast and growing needs of gun violence survivors.

Although we have these initial thoughts about how we can begin to untangle this complex issue, we aim to gather ideas from experts across the country to provide insights, acquire further knowledge and creatively design valuable ways to find a way forward to better support the wounded in their recovery. Indeed, this is an American problem that requires an American solution.

Gun violence leaves in its wake physical, emotional, financial and legal consequences. As a nation of survivors, we must harness collective action across all levels of our country to address this growing epidemic. As more individuals experience, witness and fear the threat of gun violence, we must support the recovery efforts for all those who forever have had their lives altered by this traumatic encounter.

It’s time that we stand together to support our shared road to recovery to restore trust in our communities, our neighborhoods and our country.

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