Annual Savage family Turkey Trot 5k run/walk courtesy photo/ Nell Savage

The eighth annual Savage Family Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk is just around the corner, and it is an active active way to kick off Thanksgiving morning. Taking place on Nov. 23, 9 to 11 a.m. at Bug Light Park in South Portland. According to organizers, the event is not just a race, but “a heartfelt tribute to the memory of Nathan Savage, a beloved family man and athlete.”

Savage was an enthusiastic runner, biker, and triathlete who had a fatal heart attack in 2016, just weeks before he was set to compete in his first full Ironman event. The annual turkey trot is a testament to his passion for an active and healthy lifestyle, said organizers.

One-hundred percent of the profits raised from the race are dedicated to the South Portland Community Center/Nathan Savage Memorial Fund for Kids. Over the past seven years, the event has raised over $50,000 for the town of South Portland, with nearly all of it going directly to the Nathan Savage Memorial Fund.

The fund, established by the Savage Family in partnership with the South Portland Community Center, provides financial assistance to children interested in participating in youth development programs. Nell Savage said, “It fulfills Nathan’s dream of encouraging kids to be active and healthy, inspiring them to get off the couch and engage in physical activities.”

In addition to the turkey trot, the South Portland Community Center organizes Tri Like A Savage, a youth triathlon, in Nathan’s honor. Funds from the scholarship account have made the event accessible to all South Portland kids, ensuring that Nathan’s legacy continues to impact the community positively, said Nell Savage.

The race at Bug Light Park is a 5K loop and welcomes participants of all ages and abilities. While the event is not officially timed, there is usually a time clock for those interested in tracking their progress. T-shirts are given to registered participants if done so before the registration deadline, typically about a week before the race.


Annual Savage family Turkey Trot 5k run/walk courtesy photo/ Nell Savage

With approximately 400 participants each year, the Savage Family Turkey Trot has become a Thanksgiving tradition for many families in the South Portland community, Nell Savage said.

“My teenage girls help a little now, and I have a great group of volunteers on race day, but otherwise I’m a one woman show,” Nell Savage said.

To register, visit


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