Shaw Brothers Construction Inc. will have to wait another month for likely Planning Board approval of its rock quarry expansion at its headquarters on Mosher Road in Gorham.
Planning Board member Jim Hager after a lengthy hearing Monday made a motion to put it on the agenda for February pending further staff review and input. Hager said he didn’t need a site visit.
The measure passed unanimously 6-0 with Russell Frank absent. It marked the first time the Planning Board heard the proposal.

Gorham resident Ken Sanderson addresses the town’s Planning Board Monday with concerns about a Shaw Brothers proposed quarry expansion off Mosher Road. Planning Board member Jim Hager, is at left. Robert Lowell / American Journal
It could pass without further discussion next month and Town Council action is not required.
Shaw Brothers is asking to extend blasting at Brickyard Quarry, located in an industrial zone, 150 feet up to the border of an additional property the company recently acquired on its northerly property line. The parcel runs to Queen Street. The 150-foot strip previously served as a buffer.
Shawn Frank of Sebago Technics, civil engineer representing Shaw Brothers, said the expansion would not go over the original quarry property line.
“The day-to-day operation doesn’t change,” Frank said, nor will access to Mosher Road.
Two residents at Monday’s meeting aired concerns that included dust and noise.
Abutter Charlie Hamblen of Hamblen Drive sought additional time for the board to hear input from more people than just abutters.
“It requires a much larger look to see who it impacts,” Hamblen said. “People everywhere within a half a mile hear the rock crusher. People within a mile feel the impact of this quarry.”
Ken Sanderson said blasting is felt at his home on Fairview Lane.
“We do feel the blasting frequently,” Sanderson said. “We can feel it in my basement.”
He was concerned about airborne dust from the blasting. Neighbors have to continually wash their houses, he said, and the dust settles on vegetable gardens.
Planning Board Vice Chairperson Bill Benson said there might be a code enforcement issue in a reference to the current operation. “From a Planning Board perspective, there aren’t any issues,” Benson said.
Brickyard Quarry was initially approved by the town in 2008 at the site where Lachance Brothers Brick Company was located for many years.
Neither Jon or Danny Shaw, owners of the construction firm, attended Monday’s meeting.
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