Election letters

To the editor,

While I don’t live in South Portland District 122, I follow every election, because every representative represents me. I give my strong support for House Seat 122 to Matt Beck. I have known Matt for 25 years, and what is unwavering is his honesty, integrity and dedication to our democracy. He remains solid in his positions on healthcare, gun safety, the opioid crisis, women’s right to choose, union rights and more. He does not change parties on a whim to make it work at that moment, even though he recognizes the shortcomings of our system.

Election 2024 South Carolina

AP photo/Mike Stewart

While he sees things not always working smoothly, he knows that change happens slowly and carefully, and he acknowledges that there are more than two sides to an issue. If there is a need for an open mind and working across the aisle, Beck is the person to elect. Matt listens and works toward resolution, however that can happen. A creative thinker, Matt is comfortable with disagreement, seeing it as a way to hear all points.

We are living in difficult times, and we need leaders who understand our past while looking for solutions in our future. Matt has been a long-standing resident of South Portland, a political leader for his entire lifetime, and a person recognized as a trusted friend to many. Approachable and accessible, Matt is ready to get to know you too, whether you live in District 122 or not. It doesn’t matter; your voice is important to him. Please vote on March 5 for Matthew Beck, state representative, District 122.

Rosemarie De Angelis


South Portland

To the editor,

For eight years now, our acquaintance with Matt Beck has grown, and we are delighted to learn of his candidacy for House District 122. In these politically charged times, the necessity for seasoned, steadfast leadership cannot be overstated. We firmly believe that Matt possesses the qualities necessary to lead with integrity and fill the void left by Rep. Lois Reckitt’s passing.

Matt approaches complex issues with a composed, practical mindset that resonates with us. His compassionate diligence and dedication assure us that he will adeptly advocate for our community’s interests.

Matt as had extensive experience as chair of the South Portland Democratic Committee. His role as AFL/CIO delegate to the Southern Maine Labor Council coupled with his role as a member of Portland Water District board of trustees representing South Portend and Cape Elizabeth underscores his commitment to serving the people. His advocacy for human rights, gun safety, affordable housing, and various other critical issues further aligns with our values.

We urge you to cast your vote for Matt Beck in House District 122 election on March 5. We are confident that he will be a capable and dedicated representative for both our district and our city.


Pauline and Al Huntley

South Portland

To the editor,

Please join me at the District 1 polls on Tuesday, March 5, to vote for Matt Beck, Democrat candidate for the seat vacated in October by prominent Rep. Lois Galgay Reckitt’s death.

Matt is uniquely qualified to fill the very big shoes Lois leaves behind. He has been involved in local politics since the age of 14, when he started volunteering as a campaign worker. Since then, his longtime career as a union organizer in Maine and New Hampshire and his volunteer work on boards of charitable, climate-conscious, local utilities and campaigns have equipped him to serve our district well. Thanks to the frequent interactions with the Maine Legislature that these activities have required, Matt has all the tools he needs to effectively serve the people of South Portland and Maine from his very first day in office.

As this special election is also Maine’s presidential primary election day, it is important not only that we vote but that we encourage like-minded friends and neighbors to join us. You can vote early in person at city hall during business hours or, if you prefer, by absentee ballot, which you can request until Feb. 29. That might spare you from the whims of March weather.

Thank you for helping to seat Matthew Beck as our next state representative.

Roberta M. Muse

South Portland

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