WWII veteran Carroll McDonald, pictured at left at a previous event, was honored with a 99th birthday party this week at the Veterans Center. With McDonald is American Legion Post 148 member Bob Chaplin. Contributed / David Tanguay
Legion honors town’s last WWII veteran on his 99th birthday
The American Legion Field-Allen Post 148 honored Windham’s last living WWII veteran, Carroll McDonald, with a 99th birthday party at the Windham Veterans Center Wednesday.
McDonald was a P-51 fighter pilot at the end of WWII and after was a flight instructor. In Windham, he was a longtime postal service employee, delivering mail on many RFD routes.
He served as commander of Post 148 in 1951 and remains active in the Legion, regularly attending Wednesday morning veterans gatherings and serving as the post’s senior representative at Veterans Center events and ceremonies, including acting as grand marshal for the town’s Memorial Day Parade. He also helps lay wreaths every year for Windham Veterans Day ceremonies.
Happy Birthday to Mr. McDonald!
Green Ladle brunch
Sign up to attend brunch this month at The Green Ladle, a restaurant run by the culinary arts program at the Lewiston Regional Technical Center at Lewiston High School.
Tickets cost $29 per person and transportation is provided for the March 29 trip. The all-you-can-eat meal menu includes soup, chowder, fruit and cheese, omelets, roasted ham, baked haddock and more. For dessert, there will be pineapple upside down cake, chocolate mousse trifle and strawberry shortcake.
The meal goes from 9:30 a.m. to about 1:30 p.m. Sign up at windhamrecreation.com.
New town newsletter
The town has a new electronic newsletter. Sign up to receive local project updates, current events and other news at windhammaine.us/list.aspx, or through the “Stay Connected” image on the town website.

Haley Pal can be contacted at haleypal@aol.com.
Corned beef and cabbage
The American Legion Field-Allen Post 148 will be host its annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner at 5 p.m. March 18 at the Windham Veterans Center at 35 Veterans Memorial Drive.
The meal will be corned beef and cabbage with a range of traditional vegetable sides, desserts and drinks. For those not inclined to corned beef, ham will be on the menu. This event will also celebrate the post’s 87th year of service to Windham’s veterans. The cost is $10 per person.
Climate policies workshop
Maine State Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby Peter Dugas will present an interactive workshop about climate change intervention policies at the Windham Public Library March 20.
He’ll use the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s EN-ROADS climate simulator to spark conversation on how to move forward with effective solutions.
The workshop will be at 6 p.m. For more information on attendance, including the option to view through Zoom, contact the help desk at 892-1908, ext. 5, or rmarcotte@windhammaine.us.
Community dinners
Four Windham area churches have joined forces with the Wayside Food Program and offer free community dinners every Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
This month’s dinners are scheduled on March 14 at St. Ann’s Episcopal Church at 40 Windham Center Road. On March 21, Faith Lutheran Church will host the dinner, with the location again at St. Ann’s. There will be no meal on March 28. Call 892-4217 with any questions.
Send your news about Windham happenings to Haley Pal at haleypal@aol.com.
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